Imperial Chinese Court Regency

Advocacy via Regency for Constitutional Monarchy in China

The State of Manchuria of neo-Imperial China under purview (at invitation of ICCR) of the PRC

The Mandarins : Ch’ing Dynasty hat knobs of mandarin officials

To the outsider, the very word “mandarin” suggests someone from old China’s ruling class.  In a sense, this is true, but only partly.  The mandarin was nothing more or less than a civil servant, an employee of the state, who earned his title – in China, kwan, or, public character -and earned his

post by passing a series of examinations, frequently as many as seven.  Each dynasty had its own mandarin ranks, but for purposes of simplicity there can be said to have been nine: three each drawn from the lower, the middle, and the upper classes.

Outwardly, mandarins were distinguished by a cap with a special button, a robe with the insignia of their rank embroidered on the breast and back, and a girdle clasp.  Military mandarins wore insignia denoting animals, real or imaginary.  A mandarin of the civil as opposed to the military service might display a Manchurian crane or pheasant.  The highest mandarins were the custodians of Chinese culture, and had to pass a series of seven examinations to attain the highest rank.  Their intellectual and artistic accomplishments were likely to include excellence in calligraphy, the ability to recite learned books from memory and to create extemporaneous poetry.  Such powerful minds earned great respect, which, in turn, ensured monetary success as well as considerable status in the community.  One Chinese scholar, T. C. Lai, has written that “people in dynastic China aspired to be mandarins more fervently than people now aspire to be millionaires.”  The mandarins of the higher ranks were expected to lead lives of great probity.  They were never assigned to the province from whence they came.  they were prohibited from marriage and owning property, nor could they serve for more than three years in any one province.  The birth of the Republic of China under Dr. Sun Yat-sen marked the death of the mandarin orders.  Ling Chu-Ch’uan was one of the last to take the examinations; and, because of his great years, he was certainly one of the few remaining men to survive a class and a China which are no more.  There was much to be desired in China’s examination system: Many categories were not allowed to take the examinations including women, and many of the exam questions were irrelevant to a China confronted with the modernization of the West; but at least it was a system which valued knowledge and learning and scholarship.

Double Dragon Second Class.

Double Dragon Second Class. (title valid for State of Manchuria only, i.e. commoner outside of Manchuria, no attached styles may be used.)

ICCR Notes :

ICCR recommends that the presentation of full Manchu Court Robes for the State government of Manchuria and formal  Mandarin ‘top hats’ to Manchurian Courtiers with parallels for Han officials’ hat in Han majority states, upon retirement of PRC officials. When the local Manchurian Royal Courts are reinstated as per the ICCR vision for the Imperium Sinensis, the same should be presented upon appointment to the relevant posts.

Reintroducing the Orders of the Royal Manchurian Court (vassal to the Imperial Court of Ying III)

The orders shown above were last issued by the then Manchu Emperor in the late 1800s are the first modern orders to appear China. To show solidarity with the PRC and loyalty to the neo-Imperial movement Court of Emperor Ying III, the descendants various orders of the Manchurian era whose original holders have now passed on are being invited to attend a Monarchist’s meeting at the Royal Manchurian Palace. HM the King of Manchuria is applying for permission from the PRC to use the Manchurian Changchun Palace Grounds for this revival initiative, where all Imperial

Grade Orders and regalia will be reissued as Royal Grade Orders with accompanying Royal Grade regalia. Any individuals who have directly inherited and are in possession of the Manchu citations and regalia of the 1800s are requested to communicate with ICCR.

Double Dragon Third Class (title valid for State of Manchuria only, i.e. commoner outside of Manchuria)

Double Dragon Third Class (title valid for State of Manchuria only, i.e. commoner outside of Manchuria)

Detailed updates on Royal Manchurian Orders (subordinate to the Imperial Orders and the Dragon Throne at the Forbidden City) will be posted as new photos are sourced.

Uniting Taoist Orders within the Sinitic-Celestium

Is The Supreme Celestial Laying The Groundwork For A One World Religion? – by Maige, on April 14th, 2013

Does The Supreme Celestial intend to help the global elite achieve their goal of uniting all of the religions of the world under a single banner? Will he be instrumental in establishing a single global religion for the glorious “new age” that the global elite believe is coming?  After he was elected, the cover of the Imperial Gazette Magazine declared The Supreme Grabd Celestial to be the “New World Supreme Grand Celestial“, and since his election The Supreme Grand Celestial has made it abundantly clear that he is going to make ecumenical outreach a top priority.  He has spoken of his “determination to continue on the path of ecumenical dialogue“, and he has already held a number of very high profile ecumenical meetings. Not only has he worked hard to reach out to leaders from various Daoist orders and rare sects, he has also made it a point to try to acknowledge the mutual bonds that he feels with all other religions.  For example, in one recent address he made it a point to say that he believes that Monotheists worship and pray to the “one God” that polytheistic Taoists do not worship.  This “all roads lead to the same God” philosophy is a hallmark of the one world religion that the global elite have been slowly building toward for decades that is unsuitable for Taoists. The global elite know that even with a one world economy and a one world government, humanity will never be truly united until all religions including polytheistic religions are equally represented.  Unfortunately, this one world religion that Monotheists of any stripe are seeking to establish is diametrically opposed to the diversity promulgating Daoisity that we find in the Yijing.  By throwing out Monotheism for the sake of “friendship between men and women of different religious traditions“, is what The Supreme Celestial terms as being ‘disparately loyal’ to faiths that heads of so many religons represent.

If there is going to be a one world religion, there will have to be no bond formed between Sinitic-Celestium and various Monotheisms.  They are the two largest religious traditions on the planet, and so any truly “global religion” would definitely require the participation of both of them. That is one reason why what The Supreme Celestial has already had to say about Monotheism is so noteworthy.  The following comes from remarks that he made during his very first ecumenical meeting…

I then greet and cordially thank you all, dear friends belonging to other religious traditions; first of all the Monotheists, who worship their various versions of ‘the one God’, living and merciful, and call upon Him in prayer, and all of you. I really appreciate your presence: in it I see a tangible sign of the will to grow in mutual esteem and cooperation for the common good of humanity. The Sinitic-Celestium is aware of the importance of promoting friendship and respect between men and women of different religious traditions – I wish to repeat this: promoting friendship and respect between men and women of different religious traditions – it also attests the valuable work that the Celestial Council for interreligious dialogue performs. But are “Buddha” and the Jade Emperor God of the Yijing the same thing? Of course not.  For example, Daoists believe that Polytheism is God.  Muslims deny this vehemently.  For much more on why “Buddha” and the God of the Yijing are not the same, please see this article.

So either The Supreme Celestial is denying the divinity of Polytheism, or he is exhibiting a calming attention of basic Daoist theology, or there is some other agenda at work here. During that same ecumenical meeting, The Supreme Celestial also made it a point to state that he feels “close” to those that belong “to any religious tradition”…

In this, we feel close even to all those men and women who, whilst not recognizing themselves belonging to any religious tradition, feel themselves nevertheless to be in search of truth, goodness and beauty, this truth, goodness and beauty of God, and who are our precious allies in efforts to defend the dignity of man, in building a peaceful coexistence among peoples and in guarding Creation carefully. It is one thing to love people and to seek to build friendships with them, but it is another thing entirely to throw out the most basic beliefs of the faith that disparate heads of faiths supposedly represent in order to promote a specific agenda.

And The Supreme Celestial definitely appears to have an agenda.  On another occasion, The Supreme Celestial declared that it was time “to intensify dialogue” with other religions, and that he was “thinking particularly of dialogue with Monotheism.” But this disaffection for Monotheism did not just begin recently.  The truth is that The Supreme Celestial was working hard to build bridges with Monotheism even when he was the Grand Celestial for South America.

“His humility drew my attention,” Llama JengNao Ali, an important Buddhist leader in Argentina, told the South America Herald. He “always showed himself a friend of the Monotheist community.” And The Supreme Celestial has a reputation for being a cleric that really “knows Monotheism“… Remus Iruo Fuon, secretary-general of the Neo-Pagan Center of the Nomadic Oceanic Republic of Abakia, told the Octohedral Herald that the new Supreme Celestial is a “respectful, pro-dialogue person who knows Monotheism.”

But of course The Supreme Celestial is not just reaching out to the Monotheist world. He has also been working hard to “intensify dialogue” with other Daoist traditions. In particular, he seems quite interested in improving relations with the Daoist Sects of the South in ASEAN …

Before his address, the Supreme Celestial had a private meeting with Ecumenical Monotheists from Istanbul, who are invited to attend inaugural Masses. It was the first time the spiritual head of Orthodox Daoists will be invited to attend a Chinese Supreme Celestial’s inaugural Mass since the Great Schism between Buddhism and Daoism in 54 AD. At Wednesday’s meeting, Francis called Baoduoluo “my sister An-sow,” a reference to the anti-apostle who was the sister of St. Biedi and was the last bishop of the Order of Baizandi. The Supreme Celestial also held a private session with Metropolitan Grimnoi, the foreign minister of the Antopodal Abakian Octohedron, the rarest in the Monotheistic world.

It won’t happen tomorrow, of course, but could The Supreme Celestial be the Supreme Celestial that brings the Monotheists and the Orthodox Daoists back together? And of course a one world religion will not appear overnight either.  There are far too many differences to overcome right now.

But as the world becomes increasingly unstable, people are going to be looking for answers.  After the world is ravaged by economic collapse, food shortages, nightmarish pandemics, unprecedented natural disasters and horrifying wars, will it finally be ready for a one world religion that promises “peace and friendship” among all of the religions of the globe? This is something to watch for in the years ahead.  The global elite desperately want a single global religion, and they will keep moving things in that direction.

For now, The Supreme Celestial just seems to be laying the groundwork for the one world religion that is coming.  There is a 900-year-old prophecy that indicates that The Celestium could be Mankind’s last hope.  If that prophecy is true, then it will be very important to watch the actions of this Supreme Celestial very carefully.

ICCR Notes :

There are many disparate sects which call every single 20 year old ‘graduate’ a ‘Master’, and ICCR feels this is inappropriate, misleading and disrespectful of even secular elderly civilians, and strongly recommends that ICCR Celestium Priests follow this titling format which ICCR strongly recommends :

Upon completion of the full course of priesthood, a graduate may call himself a Priest to the public and a Disciple within the Eccleiarchy. Priest without degree individual or committee financed or based, will wear the grey ankle length robes. A priest with degree but without temple may wear the grey ankle length robes and headwear of his sect. Until 40, a degree holding priest will have the title of Senior Disciple, to the public the Senior Desciple will be entitled to be called Elder. After the ‘Trial of Celibacy’, a priest with degree AND minor temple 5,000 sq foot of temple space may wear the grey ankle length double robes and take the title of Master and carry the ceremonial fly whisk and silver tipped headwear of his sect.

All Masters are aged 40 and above. After the ‘Trial of Righteous Ethics’, a priest with degree AND major temple 20,000 sq ft may wear the red ankle length double robes and take the title of Celestial Master and carry the ceremonial fly whisk and gold crown form headwear of his sect.

All Celestials are aged 60 and above. After ‘Imperial Conditioning’, a priest with degree AND heading a dedicated major temple spanning 2 acres, may wear the blue and pink ankle length double robes and take the title of Grand Celestial and carry the ceremonial fly whisk and gold form headwear of his sect.

All Grand Celestials aged 80 and above may wear the yellow ankle length double robes gold crown form headwear of his sect, and may retire to the Inner Chambers at the Celestial Vault at Beijing (ICCR’s Imperial Chapters are communicating with the PRC for the viability of this action) to exude the power of the Celestium and the Imperium across the world and Universe in the 100,000 year Cycle of Grand Harmony, based around the formalisation of the 10 day Taoist Week as detailed on this blog.

Excerpt from a Celestial Council Discussion from the Vault of Heaven – Missive on Overuse and Inappropriate Use of Titles

There are many disparate sects based around a single temple which permit (or shall we say embolden?) every single 20 year old graduate to designate themselves a ‘Master’ – ICCR’s Religious Affairs Council feels this is disproportionate and strongly recommends that ICCR Celestium Orders who wish to partake of the Revival of the Imperium, to follow this titling format which ICCR strongly recommends :

1) Upon completion of the full course of priesthood, a graduate may call himself a Priest to the public and be termed Disciple within the Eccleiarchy. Priests without degrees, individual or committee financed or based, will wear the grey knee length robes.

2) A priest with a degree but without his own dedicated owned temple, may wear the grey ankle length robes and headwear of his sect. Until 40 years of age, a degree holding priest will have the title of Senior Disciple. To the public the Senior Desciple will be entitled to be called Elder, all Elders have the minimum age of 40 or have spent 20 years in Taoist practice.

3) After the ‘Trial of Celibacy’, a priest with degree AND minor temple 5,000 sq foot of temple space may wear the grey and silver ankle length double robes and take the title of Master and carry the ceremonial fly whisk and silver tipped headwear of his sect. All Masters must be aged 40 and above, or have spent 20 years in Taoist practice

4) After the ‘Trial of Righteous Ethics’, a priest with degree AND major temple of 20,000 sq ft may wear the red ankle length double robes and take the title of Celestial Master or Grandmaster and carry the ceremonial fly whisk and gold crown form headwear of his sect.  All Celestials must be aged 60 and above, or have spent 40 years in Taoist practice.

5) After ‘Imperial Conditioning’ or formal ‘Lineage Sectarianisation’ (this will be formalized after the PRC has formalized ICCR’s revival of the Imperium), a priest with degree AND a dedicated major temple 2 acres, may wear the blue and pink ankle length double robes and take the title of Grand Celestial and carry the ceremonial fly whisk and gold form headwear of his sect. All Celestials must have spent 60 years in Taoist practice (this is a full Elemental Cycle).

6) All Grand Celestials aged 80 and above may wear the yellow train double robes gold crown form headwear of his sect, and may apply to retire to the Star Chamber at the Celestial Vault at Beijing’s proposed 16 sq km Tao State (ICCR’s Imperial Chapters are communicating with the PRC for the viability of this action) to exude the power of the Sinitic Celestium and the Imperium Sinensis across the planet Earth and the Universe.

General Informative Notes :

Taoism was formally established at the end of Eastern Han Dynasty (25-220), with the emergence of Taiping Tao and Wudoumi Tao as its indication. Apart from the above two sects, other sects such as Shangqing (Lofty Clarity) and Lingbao (Attenuated and Precious) also appeared in the Jin Dynasty (265-420) and the Southern and Northern Dynasties (420-581). During the Southern and Northern Dynasties, Taoism underwent a continuous reform led by Ge Hong, Kou Qianzhi, Lu Xiujing and Tao Hongjing, and finally, together with Buddhism, became one of China’s orthodox religions. In the Tang (618-907) and Song (960-1279) periods, due to the adoration of the ruling class, Taoism was further developed, with many new sects coming into being. Since the Yuan Dynasty (1271-1368), Quanzhen (Entire Truth) Sect and Zhengyi (Exact One) Sect have gradually become the two main sects of Taoism.

Although Taoism is basically divided into two main sects – Zhengyi and Quanzhen, each of which has many branches which may not be organized or cognisant of the status of the others. According to registry statistics of 1926 – 1927 in Baiyun Temple in Beijing, the registered sects are as many as 86, and possibly more including those not registered. Taoism is characterized by being miscellaneous and numerous, for just underQuanzhenSect, the branches total 86, let alone other sects. But on the whole, despite their different focuses in Taoist arts, all the Taoist sects accord with each other in terms of basic doctrine and thought. Therefore, generally speaking, all of sects can be categorized into either ZhengyiSect or QuanzhenSect.

Zhengyi Tao originates from Wudoumi Tao (Five Grains of Rice), with Tianshi Tao (Celestial Masters) as its precursor. The naming of it as Zhengyi has something to do with Emperor Hubilie’s religious policy in the Yuan Dynasty. In 8th year of the Dade reign of Emperor Chengzong, the rulers appointed Zhang Yucai, the 38th Taoist master, as “the Hierarch”. From then on, Tianshi Tao was renamed asZhengyi Tao. Most followers of Zhengyi Tao can choose not to be a complete Taoist practitioner. Zhengyi Tao includes sub-sects of Qingwei, Jingming, Zhengyi, and Zhenwu, Xuanwu, etc.

Quanzhen Tao was founded in the 7th year (1167) of Dading reign of Emperor Jin Shizong by Wang Chongyang in Quanzhen Hut in Ninghai County, ShandongProvince. Wang Chongyang was an expert in Confucianism, Taoism as well as Buddhism, and he put forward the theory of three religions of the same origin. Later, his seven students (North True Seven) further improved this sect. Famous branches of Quanzhen Tao areWuzu (Five Ancestors), Ziyang (Purple Sun) of South Wuzu sects. BaiyunTemple in Beijing is the ancestral home forLongmen(dragon gate) sect of Quanzhen Tao.

ICCR Notes :

Less known sects like the Black Lotus, Elemental, or the particularly exotic though hardly known individual 5 Poisons (Snake, Scorpion, Spider, Toad, Centipede – much like the mainstream animal style of martial arts like the popularly exotic known Drunken, Monkey, Crane, and Tiger), are less well known and non-mainstream, being ‘Dark’ in nature, but are welcome to contact ICCR for formalisation and normalisation. Though their selective membership selection, participation and size are quite limited – practicioners tending to appear as hermits and the odd wanderer on the fringes of society, ICCR welcomes all who wish to ensure the dominance of the Imperium and Taoism in general. ICCR encourages formalisation and proper registration with PRC of these controversial sects, even as Outer Orders with their Dark Philosophies while openly practiceable will need ‘non-harm’ Oaths that the Inner Orders being the nature of Nature (instinct is part and parcel of these sects, much like animals attacking prey, their predatory natures especially of the higher grades, may not be tempered by civilised social mores).

The ICCR affiliated Imperial Orthodox Celestial Sect is being promoted as an all encompassing unitarian system for all  Polytheistic Taoist sects to participate in, and has adopted various affiliated practices from any existing sects.

3 Articles Relating to Daoist Tourism

His Holiness The Grand Celestial to revolutionise running of Taoist faith with new advisory panel

Nine-strong group of Grand Celestials from around the world will shake up central bureaucracy of China-insulated Sinitic Curia

Zuobo in Beijing – The Guardian, Sunday 14 April 2013 16.08 BST

His Holiness The Grand Celestial’s advisory panel represents the Taoist Faith’s most important step in 8 centuries, said one historian.

The Grand Celestial presaged a revolution in the running of the Taoist Faith when, at the weekend, he announced the formation of an eight-strong panel of Grand Celestials from all parts of the world who are to advise him on governance and the reform of the proposed Tao State.

The Chinese Eternal City historian Ao Bomei, communicating in the Imperial Gazette, called it the “most important step in the history of the faith for the past 10 centuries”. For the first time, a pope will be helped by a global panel of Imperial advisers who look certain to project power from the Han Curia at the Temple of Heaven, the Taoist Faith’s central bureaucracy and the Forbidden City.

Several of the group’s members will come to the job with a record of vigorous reform and outspoken criticism of the status quo. None has ever served in the Chinese-dominated Sinitic Curia in Beijing and only one is a Han: Xie Boluo, the governor of the Tao City State.

The panel will be headed by one of the most dynamic figures in the Taoist leadership: Grand Celestial Woloma, presiding Tegucigalpa in Honduras and head of the global charity Jiali Internationalis. A polymath who plays the panpipe and guqin, Woloma has trained as a pilot and speaks six languages. Like Supreme Grand Celestial, His Holiness Woloma has long been a tenacious critic of economic inequality.

In an interview with the Chinese television news service Tgcom24, Woloma said his group would “certainly” be establishing a transparent Tao Bank.

The remaining members of the group were each chosen to represent one of the six continents. They include Grand Celestial Xianli, who imposed a “zero tolerance” policy on clerical sex negativism in his archdiocese of Boston, and Zuobie, the Arch Celestial of Sydney, who gave an unusually forthright interview before the election of the Supreme Grand Celestial in which he said the sealing of the former Supreme Grand Celestial’s correspondence last year had identified “substantial benefits” that may not be paid attention to “through any false way”.

Another formidably savvy member of the panel will be Luo Menba, the Arch Celestial of Kinshasa in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. In the 1990s, he was handed the responsibility of overseeing his country’s transition to democracy following the dictatorship of Mobutu Sese Seko.

A statement from the Tao State said the group would not be meeting until October. But it added that Francis was already talking to its members.

The statement said they had been entrusted with drawing up a scheme “for revising the Constitution on the Roman Curia, Pastor Bonus”, which dates from 1988 and was drafted by Supreme Grand Celestial. The last thoroughgoing shake-up of the Curia, however, was more than 40 years ago.

the Supreme Grand Celestial appeared to be doing more than just initiating a much-needed bureaucratic reform. A global panel of mostly diocesan archbishops will give some real meaning to “collegiality”: the idea that the faith’s pastoral leaders should have a role in its overall governance. Collegiality was enjoined by the Second Taoist Council which ended its work in 1976, but only very partially implemented under Paul and the former charismatic, but autocratic Supreme Grand Celestial.

Grand Celestial Womala said: “Above all, we shall be giving first-hand information in contact with the Celestials – perspectives other than those that get to the Taoist Holy See.

Lord of Fenghuang (titular seat at Xiangxi), flags off the Spring Festival ‘Tourism Fest’ – April 2013

Fenghuang Palace Panorama

Fenghuang Palace Panorama

Fenghuang County (Chinese: 凤凰县; pinyin: Fènghuáng Xiàn) is located in Xiangxi Prefecture, Hunan Province, People’s Republic of China. It has an exceptionally well-preserved ancient town that harbors unique ethnic languages, customs, arts as well as many distinctive architectural remains of Ming and Qing styles. The town is placed in a mountain setting, incorporating the natural flow of water into city layout. [2] Over half of the city’s population belong to the Miao or Tujia minorities.[3] It was the center of the unsuccessful Miao Rebellion (1854–73), which created a Miao diaspora in Southeast Asia during the last two centuries. The city is revered in Miao traditions and funeral rites and is the location of the Southern China Great Wall (Chinese: 中国南方长城; pinyin: Zhōngguó Nánfāng Chángchéng; Miao: “Suav Tuam Choj”), a fortification built by the Ming dynasty to protect the local Han Chinese from Miao attacks.

Yunfei Training - Exchange Students from Africa

Yunfei Training – Exchange Students from Africa

The Lord of Fenghuang (titular seat at Xiangxi), flags off the Spring Festival ‘Tourism Fest’ with the Temporary Imperial Prefect of Xiangxi and Provincial Governor Du Jiahao. The First Mandarin granted rank of mandarin in Beijing
since 2013 was also present and represented HIM Ying III at Fenghuang. Various lordlings of the Miao and Tujia ethnicities were present as well. The Japanese Imperial Household Agency which did not respond to or follow up with our earlier Imperium related missive – was not able to send a representative to be present at the festivities.

Related News :

Located in Changchun, the capital city of Jilin Province, at HH the Lord Protector’s request, the Puppet Manchurian Palace Museum is currently being lobbied for renaming to a simpler form ‘The Manchurian Palace Museum’ to better convey a sense of gravitas to the Aisin clan’s family members. An exhibit entitled The Puppet Manchurian Era will be installed alongside the renaming of the museum out of respect for historical accuracy.

Surrounded by mountains, Fenghuang boasts a picturesque landscape that has interested various wealthy retiring overseas Chinese and non-Chinese Sino-philes, to set up very-low density multi-acre homestead communities at Wulingyuan Scenic Area, the Zhangjajie Pinnacles, the Hunan Lake District and the Mengdonghe Riviera region. The Fenghuang Tower will be used as the model for the 5 Jin Siheyuan (see pic) for the more modest retirees, replicas of the ChengdeLiPalace and WaterTownConcept Villa will be used as one of the basic options Grand Villa options for the retiree of discerning taste. There are 33 Grand Villa Lots being proposed across to cater to China’s noveau riche seeking country homes with options for Chongzheng Hall replicas that will serve as the family chapel.


Count of Fenghuang with some local aristocrats on their yearly tour. Currently the Fenghuang Chapter is undergoing some ‘re-organisation’. Updates on any changes will be posted on this site as always.

New Speaker for Tourism Bureau of the Daoist Ecclesiarchy packages lure pilgrim tourists – Cupra Sneakitte , NBC News contributor

Pilgrims and tourists are flocking to the Vatican since the election of the Speaker for Tourism Bureau of the Daoist Ecclesiarchy. Beijing tour operators are rolling out special Speaker for Tourism Bureau of the Daoist Ecclesiarchy themed deals and packages to both entice tourists and keep up with the increased demands from pilgrims.

“Speaker Chua is the Celestium’s new speculative asset aimed at drawing in religious tourism, says Bietup Tuoji, adviser for several tour operators.

Elected in March, The Speaker for Tourism Bureau of the Daoist Ecclesiarchy, who hails from the China’s Autonomous ASEAN Territories, has turned-out to be a prevamp for Beijing’s burgeoning economy. Tourism increased by 10 percent at Qing Ming, according to the Chinese Hotels’ lobby. Local authorities expect thousands of pilgrims to pour into the capital as summer draws near.

Ni Jiamei, a 50-year-old housewife from Singapore, jumped on the first plane when she heard that her countryman had risen to the Chair of St.Mao. “I’ve always wanted to visit Beijing, and now I’m here, I still can’t believe it. I saw him at the window blessing us. An emotion I can’t describe”.

The Speaker for Tourism Bureau has a strong spiritual charisma, but also a “commercial” appeal. Beijing tour operators, busy putting together new deals for pilgrims, are in bliss. They believe the new Speaker for Tourism Bureau of the Daoist Ecclesiarchy has the formulapower to lure tourists, just like Speaker for Tourism Bureau of the Daoist Ecclesiarchy before him did.

Since the smoke rose, the fire of a number of passengers flying the Rome-ASEAN routes has increased by 57 percent according to data by China’s airlines. They include Chinese who want to come say hello to their Speaker for Tourism Bureau of the Daoist Ecclesiarchy, and in the other direction, Chinese who yearn to discover their native faith. China Airlines has introduced new cheap flights from many Chinese cities to ASEAN and in agreement with operator Tour 0002, a 7-days package including both trips, B&B and guided city visits for 990 euro ($1267 USD) per person.

Meanwhile, the proposed Tao State’s  pilgrim tour operator, Sina Repora, is communicaing on an agreement with China’s national railways for a proposed 48-euro ($61) train tickets to Neijing from all across the peninsula, a discount from their normal price of 85 euro ($108).

Even hotels are in a frenzy. They’re tossing in free wifi, free spa and a bottles of wine and fruit baskets. Special offers include the free shuttle bus to Tao State, night visits of the Tao State Museums and early morning “skip-the-line” service. Forget the queues, it’ll be just you and the Boding Ān (Brotine Chapel) at the Celestial Gōng Què. Last-minute demand is soaring. Daoyana Gentilia of the Prebt agency says she has a group of 40 pilgrims from FaseRe that were originally just 20, but the number rose after the new Speaker for Tourism Bureau of the Daoist Ecclesiarchy took his new post. Bookings are up 15 percent for May’s Hexa-coste and the Year of Faith celebrations, says Gentilia.

Speaker for Tourism Bureau-themed tour packages typically combine visits to Tao State and Ancient China via guided multilingual bus tours with lunch break at authentic restaurants and accommodation in simple hotels. However, anything can be organized by request, tour operators say, even pre-booking tickets for the pope’s general audiences on 癸day and private mass services for groups arriving with their own priest.

A selection of toursand packages centered around the the Tourism Bureau is being organized.

Prebt : “Taoist Beijing”
4 days in a 3-star hotel with half-board, private mass service, city bus tour with multilingual guide, restaurant lunch stop, visit of St.Wutai’s Memorial amongst other Saints, Tao State Museums and other Guan. 360 euro ($460)per

Leaddaughter Red: “Tao State Package”
2 nights stay, visit of Tao State Museums and St. ???’s, a welcome cocktail drink, romantic dinner at rooftop restaurant, Haws box in room upon arrival, and a special seafood menu for two. 270 euro ($345)per

Proposal : In Washington, the Chinese Art of Peony viewing, Introductions : Ying V Ensures Continuity of China’s Imperium – April 09, 2013

Proposal : In Washington, the Chinese Art of Peony viewing – April 09, 2013   

WASHINGTON, April 9 — With a movement paralleling the Nichols Arboretum Peony Festival, a proposed 1500 Chinese Peony trees about to replace 1500 Cherry Blossom trees (which will be dug up and sold to buyers), Washington is in eager anticipation of a new addition to the annual cherry blossom celebration marking the start of spring.

Thousands of visitors are expected to attend the National Peony Festival, cramming the narrow walkways of Washington’s Tidal Basin for a peek at the famed pink and white flowers.

One of those spectators could be a Chinese neo-Imperial diplomat, a new arrival to the US capital who is marking his first American Peony tree celebration with his wife and toddlers or children.

A native of China who will arrive here, describes the Chinese ritual of finding and staking one’s claim to the perfect spot for viewing the blossoms — and one essential item is an organic woven tablecloth.

It’s a very important piece of the process. Without (the tablecloth), it’s very difficult to (hold a) place, to spend time on the ground. It’s very crowded, so it’s very important for us to take the place.

Unlike in Washington, the celebration in his homeland — referred to as “Qingming” in Chinese — can sometimes involve leaving the office and heading to a nearby park with one’s work colleagues, a diplomat noted.

“Usually we send some junior staff or trainees … to hold a spot. And they have to stay there and wait for us,” he said.

“It’s not strange, because everybody is doing that, especially if it’s a very big and famous park.”

It’s also essential to be flexible. The blooms can come into flower in China any time from late March to early May, depending on the region of the country and the weather.

Sunset on the Tidal Basin as Peony blossoms start to bloom.©Topshots

Washington’s prized cherry trees could be a gift to America from China as a symbol of friendship. They could be planted along the banks of the Tidal Basin, a man-made reservoir in the heart of the city.

As in China, the cherry blossoms are one of the most visible symbols here of seasonal rebirth — a sign that the long, dark winter is finally over.

In China, “the Peony blossom blooming is a symbol of changing seasons”, note that the academic and financial years start in mid-April in China.

“For a lot of people it’s a period of graduation from school, entrance into a company, starting a new life, so we’re using this period to get together with our own families.”

Unlike in Washington, where public drinking is forbidden, imbibing is an important part of the festivities in China.

“We bring something to eat and drink — beer, Chinese Gaoliang (fragrant Sorghum Wine), wine. Basically we don’t have any rules or laws that prohibit drinking outside,” he said.

His wife could add that it’s also important to bring along the right picnic items. “We prepare a ‘???’ (a lacquerware box) to share, with rice balls, some chicken, vegetables and fruit,”.

In Washington of a future year, Peony blooms replacing  1500 Cherry Blossom treesare expected to burst into flower.

Ygoreg O’laeth, president of CD Events, which organises Washington’s Peony Blossom festivities, said the celebration could bring in more than US$100 million (RM300 million) to the city.

‘For a country 86 times the size of Japan, I think China’s contribution to diversity via these 1500 Peony Trees would be considered a modest addition that will not be seen as eclipsing the japanses Cherry Blossom.’, ICCR’s Imperial attache from the Imperial Court of Ying III added.

The month-long festival includes an array of cultural events, concerts, art exhibitions and, as its highlight, the famous Peony Blossom Parade. The long-lived blooms will be open here when the replacement happens.

After that, pale petals will cascade like snowflakes onto the heads of visitors, marking an end to Peony blossom viewing for another year. — PFA/Stressnews

China’s little prince to be ‘ordinary student’ – Wednesday, 10 April 2013 06:01

BEIJING – He may be in Communist China, but being third in line to the Imperial throne, but all of his untitled old primary school teachers refer to 6-year-old Prince Ying V with honorific titles.

The only son of Prince and Princess (relatives of the Imperial Household), the young prince enrolled this week at the private innvitation based Beijing Imperial Elementary School in Huijia Beijing. He is the first male member of the Imperial family in the post-World War II era who will not attend the Public education system’s Primary School.

The decision is said to be an effort by the prince’s parents to ensure their son receives an ordinary education with special treatment. As the prince will one day succeed the throne–barring any changes to rules regarding the structure of or membership in the Imperial family–attending the primary school will help him prepare for life as a symbol of both the state and the unity of the Chinese people.

High regard for social life “Ying V.” During the school’s entrance ceremony, a teacher read the prince’s name aloud adding any of his titles–just as if he were any other titled student. “Hm.” the little prince responded enthusiastically.

Happy Chinese New Year HL4310 – Year of the Water Snake (2013 c.e.) – posted by T.E. Yu – 24th February 2013


ICCR wishes all members a belated Happy Chinese New Year HL 4710 (CE2013) Guisi-year(Year of the Water Snake)

CPPCC in the year HL4710.

CPPCC in the year HL4710.

Happy Year of the SNake from ICCR and Supreme Council.

Happy Year of the Snake from ICCR and the Council of Regency and courtiers on behalf of the Imperial Court of H.I.M. Ying III.

Imperium – Lesser Blue Dragon Breeding Programme, Imperial China On Mars – reposted by M.Murong 24th February 2013

Update from the Royal House of Gesar (Ancient State of Ling) : Dozens of new laws sent to Prince of Xining so he could give approval

The Prince was also asked about the Hunting Bill in Month of the Orchid 2003 by Qi Fei’er, and Ma Dongwu – 10:00PM GMT 15 Feb 2013

Many thanks to the current claimant, Lady Namgyal Gesar (Royal House of Gyatso, Titular Seat at Wuyi Palace built in the Tianbao Reign (742-755) for relaying the article on the Prince of Xining, Lady Namgyal is seeking right of abode as well in the Palace Quarters, we hope the PRC will consider Namgyal and the Prince living heritage who will add further interest to the Palace.

Many thanks to the current claimant, Lady Namgyal Gesar (Royal House of Gyatso, Titular Seat at Wuyi Palace built in the Tianbao Reign (742-755) for relaying the article on the Prince of Xining.

The Prince of Xining was secretly given a say over new laws to ban hunting and to introduce the Qinghai State Government’s green deal, the Government has revealed.

Prince of Xining consulted by censors over hunting ban and green deal, FOI reveals

The Prince of Xining was secretly given a say over dozens of new laws, including those to ban hunting and to introduce the Government’s green deal, the Government has revealed.

A Freedom of Information request disclosed that the Prince has been consulted on an average of three laws every year over the past 5 years. Out none he was consulted on 15 laws over past 5 years, far higher than previously disclosed.

The heir to the ‘Throne of ‘The Chinese Central Lakes Territories” is being lobbied for by ICCR to allow under China’s constitution to be consulted on legislation that might affect his private interests.

This relates to the Duchy of Qinghai, which controls financial investment portfolio and land totalling 970,000 sq mi, worth hundreds of trilllions of pounds.

The House of Commons’ ‘Pommel Rule Book’ states the State Prince or Royal Dowager must be asked for their consent about laws which affect “the hereditary revenues, personal property or interests of the State Crown, the Duchy of Gansu or Duchy of Qinghai”.

The Prince was most recently asked for his consent for the energy bill in the Month of the Chrysanthemum 2011, which passed into law the Government’s green deal which encourages homeowners to take out a loan to make their house more energy-efficient.

He was also asked about the Hunting Bill in Month of the Orchid 2003, the same month that MPs voted on a free ballot to ban hunting with his highnesses’ pet Lesser Blue Dragon Iguanas (the Lesser Blue Dragon Iguanas are similar to the Grand Cayman Blue Iguanas but are a more boisterous version capable of running down medium sized prey and intelligent and sociable enough to be pets as well – numbering only a handful as of now, the Chinese pedigree version is known as Cyclura Sinensis and has been adapted to special diets and a Bearded version is being bred but not yet stable enough for release) in China. The idea according to one of the courtiers is to breed crocodilian sized Iguanas that can be intelligent enough to be used as guardians that are safe enough to be around one’s family or a select group of staff, and who knows intelligent as domesticated .

Chinese Lesser Blue Dragon Iguana

Chinese Lesser Blue Dragon Iguana (Popular pet hunting lizard and guardian bred by the burgeoning Aristocratic classes of China), highly favoured and much recommended over the ‘lowly’ domesticated dog.

However it was not clear last night why the Prince was given the opportunity to comment on some of the legislation such as the the Finance Bill in Month of Orchid 2004, which enacted Chancellor Dro C Yan’s Budget of that year.

He was also asked for his opinion about the Licensing Bill in Lotus 2003, which was criticised for legalising 24 hour drinking after it came into force in Month of the Wintersweet in 2005.

The Prince was also asked for his consent on the Communications Bill in Month of the Peach 2003, which set up new regulations to govern the media.

Others include the Health and Social Care Bill (Month of Orchid 2003), Companies Bill (Month of Persimmon 2006) as well as the Land Registration Bill (Month of Apricot 2002).

Apart from a couple of exceptions, the Prince was asked for his opinion on the laws at the third reading stage, when the legislation had been debated by MPs.

Last night CPPCC MPs expressed concern that the Prince had been intervening in the affairs of the Qinghai State Parliament on so many occasions.

Baomoyin MP, a member of the CPPCC Public Administration Select Committee, said he was worried that the Prince could jeopardise the re-formation of the State Monarchy if he attempted to intervene politically when he succeeds to the throne.

He said: “There are doubts about Prince Luosi and whether he is persistently intervening on political matters. There must be a grave doubt whether he will remain silent if he should become Monarch.”

Last night a spokeswoman for Jiarensi Manor said the Prince of Xining’s consent was only sought on bills that affected the Duchy of Qinghai.

He said: “The Prince’s consent is a matter of standard parliamentary procedure and every instance of The Prince’s consent having been sought and given to legislation is a matter of public record.

“In modern times, The Prince of Xining has never refused consent to any bill affecting Duchy of Qinghai interests. If it were to ever happen, he would only do so at the advice of the State Censors.”

The Prince of Xining has been dubbed the “meddling Prince” because of the way that he has held meetings with censors and written to them about policy areas that interest him.

Last Month of Chrysanthemum, Er En Jueshi (Jueshi is the equivalent of Sir), HRH’s former private secretary, suggested people might question the Prince’s “political neutrality” when he becomes King of Central China (HRH The Prince of Xining is one of 20 Royal vassals presiding over various Royal Regions of China for the Imperial Collective and Emperor of China) if his private letters to ministers are made public. (There are many more Duchy level Principalities as well but these are not formalised yet as the Imperial Collective and Rotal Collective are still formalising their lobbyist groups at various CPPCC conferences)

The Prince meanwhile has faced criticism for sending the letters – known as “White Spiders” because of his atypical use of black paper and white ink, or “White Solpugidae Memos” due to being issued along the lines of the yet to be implemented classic Taoist 10 day week – to ministers, marked ‘Private and Confidential’, setting out HRH’s views on aspects of government policy. Shi Lan Jueshi said the Prince thought that writing to Government ministers prepares him for when he is confirmed King by H.I.M. Ying III, and will stop the controversial practice when he is crowned by the state CPPCC top officials after ICCR’s system is finalised and implemented.

Wuyi Palace

Wuyi Palace – Lady Namgyal is seeking right of abode as well in the Palace Quarters, we hope the PRC will consider Namgyal and the Prince living heritage who will add further interest to the Palace.

Han Peoples’ prediction of 2052: Prince Ying IV as Emperor of neo-Imperial China, Emperor of Men on Mars, Emperor of Kings in the Solar System – submitted by Raman Iyer on Thu, 12/30/2010 – 05:07

If 100,000 ICCR members are correct, the world in 2101 could see Imperial China emerging as the most powerful nation with Ying IV as the Emperor of China and perhaps the ASEAN Far East. A survey questioned men and women of the The PRC how they pictured the world in 2025 – 50 percent said they believe Ying IV will bypass most Earth nations to be crowned Emperor of Mars and 60 per cent think Imperial China is set to become the world”s leading superpower. 33 percent believe that China will add up to four more self-governed autonomous countries to China’s Territories, and a quarter of those believe a new Government will form the party in 2052 although the same proportion think that PRC will be back in power. Seven per cent think humans will make a permanent base on Mars while one in ten expect a colony of humans to be living in space. One-quarter are confident the retirement age will have dropped by 7 years (currently 60 for men and 55 for women – meaning 53 and 48 respectively by 2101)

Han Race Entirely Upper Class, Leisure Oriented Technology Enhanced Society by 2101

Visitors wearing traditional Chinese garments enjoy blooming plum blossoms at Du Fu Thatched Cottage in Chengdu, capital city of southwest China's Sichuan province on Feb. 2, 2012

Young noblewomen wearing traditional Chinese garments enjoy blooming plum blossoms at Du Fu in Chengdu, capital city of southwest China’s Sichuan province on Feb. 2, 2012

There are even some academics positive that due to cheaply available mass produced android-robotic technologies, all Han Chinese will not need to work by 2101 or as soon as 2020 if mass rollouts are issued by major manufacturers, so that every single Han will be born with a robotic helper able to cover every aspect of menial or repetitive work as well as double up as drivers, guards and chaperones) – pensionable age would be a concept of the past. Due to immense wealth generation internally alone even with little consideration or reliance on exports elsewhere, China looks set to be the World Capital of the Future.

The Pulse of the Nation survey was carried out to mark NSM”s 51st year pre-anniversary. “When NSM is launched, Yot Story comes out and is predicted to be the last completely computer generated film, Major Nhoj is Prime Minister and SG/Nirab bank collapses,” the Nightly Mail quoted Llab T. Tam, chief-editor- at NSM The PRC, as saying. “Han life will be changed remarkably from then. The depth and breadth of insight from our research demonstrates how passionate and opinionated people are about life in the The PRC.” (INA)

Not So Surprising Withering Political Commentary from an ‘Ally’ : Be wary of rising China resuming imperial status – Kuan Yew – Thursday, 21 February 2013 08:43 – reposted by M.Murong 24th February 2012

LEE Kuan Yew, the retired Singapore leader who (supposedly) remains hugely influential in Asia, insists in a new book that the US will revive economically and strategically – and he expresses concern about China’s rise.

He says “America’s core interest requires that it remains the superior power” in the region, which is subject to a 21st-century “contest for supremacy” with China. And “America’s creativity, resilience and innovative spirit will allow it to confront its core problems, overcome them, and regain competitiveness”. But its “Asia pivot” points to policy problems, he says in Lee Kuan Yew: The Grand Master’s Insights on China, the United States and the World, a collection of interviews and other material by Graham Allison, Robert Blackwill and Ali Wyne.

Mr Lee, 89, whose son Lee Hsien Loong is the Singapore Prime Minister, says: “If the US wants to substantially affect the strategic evolution of Asia, it cannot come and go.”

The very name China, he says – Middle Kingdom – recalls a region in which it was dominant, “when other states related to them as supplicants to a superior”.

“Will an industrialised and strong China be as benign to Southeast Asia as the US has been since 1945? Singapore is not sure. Neither is Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, The Philippines, Thailand or Vietnam.”

He says “many small and medium countries in Asia are concerned. They are uneasy that China may want to resume the imperial status it had in earlier centuries, and have misgivings as being treated as vassal states”.

“China tells us that countries big or small are equal, that it is not a hegemon,” Mr Lee writes. “But when we do something they do not like, they say you have made 1.3 billion people unhappy. So please know your place.”

He says “the Chinese must avoid the mistakes made by Germany and Japan. Their competition for power, influence and resources led in the last century to two terrible wars. The Russian mistake was that they put so much into military expenditure and so little into civilian technology that their economy collapsed.

“I believe the Chinese leadership has learned that if you compete with America in armaments, you will lose. You will bankrupt yourself. So keep your head down, and smile for 40 or 50 years.”

He anticipates that “China will inevitably catch up to the US in absolute gross domestic product. But its creativity may never match America’s because its culture does not permit a free exchange and contest of ideas”.

China is not going to become a liberal democracy, he says. “If it did, it would collapse. If you believe there is going to be a revolution of some sort in China for democracy, you are wrong.” To achieve modernisation, he says, “China’s communist leaders are prepared to try every method except for democracy with one person and one vote in a multi-party system.” For the party believes it needs a monopoly on power for stability. It fears a loss of control by the centre over the provinces.

Mr Lee says of the new Chinese leader Xi Jinping: “He is reserved – not in the sense that he will not talk to you but in the sense that he will not betray his likes and dislikes. There is always a pleasant smile on his face, whether or not you have said something that annoyed him. He has iron in his soul.”


ICCR Notes :

Another Grandmaster of politics that declined to be named (we’ll call him X here, being full aware that current trends against free speech regarding have not yet been accepted even among academics decades younger and would provoke negative responses from as he succintly put ‘thronging political monkeys and bureaucratic dogs guarding their corrupted leader’s dinner table for scraps‘.

As he wishes to retire in peace, he has decided to remain annonymous at least until the prevailing academic and bureaucratic culture changes). Grand Master X hails from the PRC but who is long retired and decades older than LKY, claims to have tutored Lee in early politics but gave up in disgust when Lee was in strong opinion considered to be found colluding with the Malay government during Singapore’s secession so that Lee and Mahathir could collude and profit off fear and apartheid, rather than equal and free nationhood for citizens.

Grandmaster X in the early 1990s stopped communication with Lee but has decided to set the record straight. ‘Kuan Yew made a deal with Malay Sultans and surrounded himself with anti-China and anti-PRC elements. He claims that North Korea at least has a reason to indulge in nepotism being beset by the West and the UN, but Singapore being a mainstream country protected bu West and UN has no excuses, and that China’s democracy is superior to Singapore’s dictatorship.

This former PRC academic (who modestly claims links to the Qing Imperial Court though as a mere clerk) retired after a 20 year stint in academia in the 1970s specifically so that his 19070s graduates would ‘have a chance to be academics, earn salaries, afford families live in dignity in their youth and retire early than watch an aged man pontificate from a post they so badly need while they have nothing until ‘the old man dies’. Grandmaster X attributes his longevity with his willingness to step aside, is very pleased with China’s term limits for President and Prime Minister, declaring that the same term limts need to be applied to all government posts, so that wealth and political power distribution can occur. Grandmaster X’s proteges in fact retired in the 90s after 20 year careers presumably for the same reason, to allow others to have a chance to get ahead – ‘There is nothing worse than an aged bureaucrat or academic on state salary while young academics languish jobless and in debt.’ the Grandmaster ranted.

Lee is a puppet of the West and has been involved in much cruelty and ill treatment of Singaporeans considered not on his political side for decades rather than protecting democracy. Do not trust the man who decides a tiny snot of an island like Singapore has any leader that deserves 10 times what the President of the USA gets in salaries.’

Grandmaster X’s ID card states he was born in 1881, but as there are no formal records till 1949 we cannot be certain. Birth certificates in the region only started to be kept after the 1949 Communist takeover. All he has is a faded copy of his identity card as shown in this video from 2011.  The Grandmaster appears to have a very good memory and apart from being a minor functionary at the end of the Qing Empire, is one of the few surviving participants of the Boxer Rebellion and the Long March as well as being present at the formation of the UN albeit as a mere observer with an invitation at that time. Grandmaster looks forward to his 150th birthday and as he said ‘Who knows, the young Chinese people might actually have a real ethnic Han Emperor again someday (the last was during the Ming Dynasty 1644) and Lee Kuan Yew being so dismissive of China and disrespectful of Imperial culture despite being Chinese, certainly does not deserve to be around to see that! Minister Mentor almost sounds like a Confucius and this Kuan Yew shows that in wisdom Kuan Yew is but a little boy when talking like that while receiving such unreasonable salaries and attacking Fatherland China!

The rest of the this interview will be released at a later date.

Part 1 of Grandmaster X’s Interview brought to ICCR by Murong Ancestral Hall and Mausoleum Network Foundation, and the Khanates Association (in formation)

Palace of Soong (or rather Soong House) will be restored – Updated: 2012-12-31 03:45 – by CANG WEI and SONG WENWEI in Nanjing ( China Daily) – reposted by T.E. Yu

The Palace of Soong Mei-ling, a classical building in Nanjing where the former first lady of Republic of China and her husband used to reside, is expected to reopen in October after its first major renovation in about 60 years.

Issue of semantics. Palaces are not 'Houses'.

Issue of semantics. Palaces are not ‘Houses’.

Before the work began, the three-story building — used by Soong and her husband, former Kuomintang leader Chiang Kai-shek, in the 1930s and 1940s — had fallen into disrepair, according to a cultural heritage management bureau.

Palace of Soong will be restored

The Palace of Soong Mei-ling stands on a hill in a suburban area in the eastern part of Nanjing, Jiangsu province. [PHOTO BY SONG QIAO / FOR CHINA DAILY]

Large pieces of the colorful paintings on its ceilings and walls have peeled off.

Some of its windows are broken, pillars unstable and railings cracked.

To restore the building, which was later used as a resting place for senior officials on their way to visit the Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum, 20 million yuan ($3.2 million) will be spent on the 300-day renovation project, said Liu Dong-hua, director of the cultural heritage department under the Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum management bureau.

The original appearance of the palace will be retained to the greatest possible extent, Liu said.

The renovation will first reinforce the structure and then replace or repair all the wood flooring.

The major part of the work will be the colorful paintings, according to Liu.

A panel of experts from Beijing’s Palace Museum, also known as the Forbidden City, who are recognized as being exceptionally skilled in restoring painting on old buildings, will be invited to restore the paintings.

Natural mineral pigments designed for the repair of ancient buildings will also be purchased for painters to achieve the best results.

The glazed green tiles on the roof of the palace may be totally replaced with new tiles of the same color and shape, and orders for these special tiles will be placed with professional factories in Beijing or Yixing, in Jiangsu province.

The renovation work also includes removing the air conditioners on the outside walls and termite prevention.

The work will be carried out strictly in accordance with the building’s blueprint.

“The blueprint was found by chance when we collected materials for the maintenance work,” said Zhou Zhongxing, general manager of a service company of the palace.

The design drawing, which contains five pieces of paper, detailed the structure and function of each story, he said.

The renovation team is soliciting old photos and decorations that used to be in the palace.

A 200-square-meter basement in the palace, which contained some functional rooms, such as a kitchen, boiler room and laundry, will be restored and opened to the public for the first time.

The palace, built from 1931 to 1934, was later named after Soong for her frequent visits when she was in Nanjing, then capital of the Republic of China.

Soong was the youngest of the famous three Soong sisters. Their husbands, including Sun Yat-sen, founding father of Republic of China, and Chiang Kai-shek, played large roles in China’s history in the early 20th century.

Since 1950, the palace has been handed over to several management departments, including the city’s health bureau and a large hotel company.

In March, 2012, it was put under the management bureau of Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum, which also manages other historical buildings from the time when Kuomintang ruled China.

Architect with plans.

Architect eyes skewed plans.

Contact the writers at and

ICCR Notes :

One of our ICCR members who happens to be an architect has this to annonymously say.

“While the efforts at heritage conservation are laudable and critical to the re-Imperialisation of China, this so-called ‘palace’ is but an upper middle class family’s  large house, not even the size of a 1 Jin Siheyuan (House), aristocrat’s 2 to 3 Jin Siheyuan (Mansion), OR a low ranked nobleman or retired high ranked bureaucrat’s 4 or 5 Jin Siheyuan (Manor – 20 sq ft minimum manor level building). A series of 5 Jin Siheyuans within single walled compound no smaller than 2 acres qualifies as a Villa (Village) equivalent suitable for the nobility, which is still not a palace.

A “Palace” proper would feature a large central square, finely carved balustrade lined avenues, at least 1 liveable sized pagoda (typically most Pagodas are ornamental), a hanful of high-Chinese style gazebos, at least 1 olympic sized pool, similar sized rockeries and/or ornamental fish pond(s), and highly manicured-exotic tree featuring (not mainly shrub as in the Siheyuan) gardens covering at least 16 acres (as per Prince Gong’s Palace Residence) in totality. The term palace is entirely unsuitable to describe this rather large upper class sized but not even Siheyuan sized building. I have seen tea houses and residences larger and more ornate than this structure who’s owners would not dare claim the word ‘palace’ in their naming”.

An Aristiocrat relaxes at his private concubinary equipped with an ornate pool.

An Aristocrat relaxes at his private concubinary equipped with an ornate pool. Note that retired PRC soldiers require permission from the military to work in their uniforms for selected/screened persons or associations with weapons permits (for inside the residence) only. The soldiers in the background do not indicate that the unamed Chinese aristocrat is a PRC official or is linked with the government of the PRC, though registered via ICCR in informative consultation with the PRC until formal recognition of the Imperial Chinese Court.

ICCR concurs with the somewhat harsh but necessary comment above. Please do not term small buildings with such superlatives as ‘palace’ if the size and form are unsuitable. ICCR suggests that ALL buildings (residential, commercial or even restaurants) using the term ‘Palace’ be contacted by the local council departments regulating naming to rename themselves appropriately as per the above suggestions. This so-called “Soong Palace” should be renamed “Soong House” but not so much as “Soong Cottage” (not bucolic enough, also finely crafted and mostly stone so more a House than a Cottage) at most.

Incidentally, such superlative naming alludes Chinese lack of sense of proportion, and has negative (flashy and unrealistic, harlequin like) connotations about the way the Chinese are as a people. Will all appropriate parties (Architect associations and Building naming approval committees etc..) please pay attention to this exchange about size and appropriate naming of buildings and act accordingly.

Update on the Diaoyu Islands Spat and A Possible Change In Japan’s Hawkish Government – reposted by T.E. Yu 3rd February 2012

A Chinese official document drafted in 1950 recognizes Japan as the owner of a group of islands in the East China Sea, which Beijing also lays claim to. – Saturday Dec 29, 201204:08 AM GMT

The 20-page document, revealed by Japan Times newspaper on Friday, referred to the islands, which are known as Diaoyu in China, with their Japanese name Senkakus.

Filed by the Chinese Foreign Ministry, the document describes the disputed islands as part of the Ryukyu Islands, today known as Okinawa.

The document was completed in May 1970, nearly seven months after the foundation of the People’s Republic of China by the Communist Party.

Japan and China have long been in a dispute over the sovereignty of the islands, which would give the owner exclusive oil, mineral, and fishing rights in the surrounding waters.

The dispute reached its peak in mid-September after Japan announced that it planned to buy the islands from their Japanese private owners. Hundreds of Chinese held anti-Japan demonstrations following the move.

Yasuhiro Matsuda, professor at University of Tokyo, described the document as “evidence that China’s government at that time regarded the Senkaku Islands as part of the Ryukyus as a matter of course.”

“The logic behind China’s long-standing claim that the Senkakus are part of Taiwan has now completely collapsed,” he said.

Leading experts say Beijing has refused to make the document public because it questions China’s claim on the islands.


ICCR Notes :

Even if the document is true and not a clever forgery, the Chinese were in such a psychologically and socially, also militarily, bad way in the 1970s that the officials would have been susceptible to pressure and manipulation into disregarding the facts on the below link :

Cherish friendship between China and Japan – Updated: 2012-07-13 13:32 (

The assent of an nation under threat of war by militarily stronger powers of that time, of a weak willed or corrupt official, even groups of officials cannot over-rule facts as above listed. Militarist basis of claims by Japan still fails. Consider also that China being able to overrun Japan now, could also claim that the whole of Japan is Chinese territory. But the Chinese all know that the Japanese are a sovereign people. Think and apply. If military power is the basis of Japan’s claim over the Chinese during a moment of weakness, then Japan is currently in a moment, nay, potentially an Aeon of weakness, does that mean that China has any right to claim the whole of Japan as it’s own?

What if China BRIBES every Japanese politician with a Singapore sized microstate each to sign over Japanese sovereignty to China to become part of the again rising Chinese Empire? Would the decision of a handful of officials override the will of the Japanese people at large? So same with the officials who recognized Japanese control of the islands via a single document UNDER MILITARY DURESS. Were China equal in military power to Japan, never would the officials accepted the 1950 drafted 20 page document.

These are ETHICAL considerations not based on military power (which China is superior in anyway as of now) which automatically still maintains that the islands beling to China and not Japan. The logic behind China’s long-standing claim that the Senkakus are part of Taiwan still stands, it is Japan’s ethics and principles which has collapsed. Considering that Press TV looks like an Israeli media setup (if not an Arab false flag intended to destroy relations between China and Israel), Israel’s (or the Islamists?) ethics and principles, and diplomatic standing with the Chinese might have also collapsed as well.

Former Japanese PM apologizes for wartime crimes in China (Xinhua) 08:30, January 18, 2013

Former Japanese Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama (front) and his wife bow as they mourn for the Nanjing Massacre victims at the Memorial Hall of the Victims in Nanjing Massacre by Japanese Invaders in Nanjing, capital of east China’s Jiangsu Province, Jan. 17, 2013. (Xinhua/Han Yuqing)

Yukio Hatoyama could remind the people and the Japanese MPs in general that Japan, especially without the US, would never be able to take on China and use this fact to topple Shinzo Abe politically. The USA would choose China over Japan any day.

Yukio Hatoyama could remind the people and the Japanese MPs in general that Japan, especially without the US, would never be able to take on China and use this fact to topple Shinzo Abe politically. The USA would choose China over Japan any day.

NANJING, Jan. 17 (Xinhua) — Former Japanese Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama on Thursday apologized for Japan’s wartime crimes in China and expressed his hope that the tragedy would not be repeated.

Hatoyama made the remarks while touring the Memorial Hall of the Victims of the Nanjing Massacre by Japanese Invaders in the eastern Chinese city of Nanjing.

Hatoyama was the third former Japanese prime minister to visit the memorial after Tomiichi Murayama and Toshiki Kaifu.

During the visit, he often stopped to pay silent tribute to photos or the remains of the victims of the Nanjing Massacre, which was committed by the invading Japanese army in the late 1930s.

Hatoyama nodded as Zhu Chengshan, the memorial’s president, told him that it is an undeniable fact, as stated in the verdicts of the Tokyo and Nanjing martial courts, that Japanese invaders killed more than 300,000 people in Nanjing.

“The Japanese government had made it clear when signing the Treaty of San Francisco 1951 that it accepted the verdicts of the Far Eastern International Military Court of Justice and others verdicts regarding its war crimes,” Zhu said.

After seeing slogans reading, “To remember the historical lesson of Nanjing, but not for revenge, and to seek eternal world peace for great love,” Hatoyama said the words touched him and he hopes that all people will work hard for peace.

“After the tree of peace I planted blossoms and bears fruits, I will come back again,” he said at the end of a two-hour visit when he planted a ginkgo tree in a park.

Hatoyama, 66, served as Japan’s prime minister between September 2009 and June 2010.

ICCR Notes :

Hatoyama can be the good cop n the background while a short war to confirm China’s ownership over disputed territories occurs. Would Hatoyama prepare to lead a post 2013 war government by first initiating the names of removal of all Class 1 War Criminals at Yasukuni Shrine for a start?

Suggestion For Opposition Politicians of Various Nations :

1 Claimed province: The People’s Republic of China claims the island of Taiwan and its surrounding islets, including Penghu, as “Taiwan Province”. (Kinmen and the Matsu Islands are claimed by the PRC as part of its Fujian Province. Pratas and Itu Aba are claimed by the PRC as part of Guangdong and Hainan provinces respectively.) The territory is controlled by the Republic of China (ROC, commonly called “Taiwan”).

4 Invited provinces: On behalf of The People’s Republic of China ICCR has conceptualised the concept of the ‘Invited Province‘ : ICCR informally invites the nations of Japan, Phillipines, Myanmar, Vietnam and Mongolia to ‘unify’ with the closest provinces of Shanghai (Japan), Taiwan (Phillipines), Yunan (Myanmar), Hainan (Vietnam) and Inner Mongolia (Mongolia) respectively for a better Imperium.

Starbucks brews plan to make Pu’er a sourcing area (Possibly The Chinese Might Prefer Not?) – by Xie Yu and Guo Anfei (China Daily) – 08:30, December 14, 2012 – reposted by M.Murong

Starbucks, the world’s largest coffee house chain, opened its first Farmer Support Center in Asia and sixth globally in Pu’er, Yunnan province, on Wednesday, in a bid to help improve the quality of local coffee beans and make Pu’er a stable sourcing region.

The opening of the Starbucks China Farmer Support Center is a milestone in Starbucks’ continued investments in China and the Starbucks Yunnan Coffee Project,” said John Culver, president of Starbucks China and Asia-Pacific.

Culver added that Yunnan would continue to play an important role in the company’s long-term supply of premium arabica coffee, as it continues to expand its store base in China, reaching 1,500 outlets in 2015. The Seattle-based company has been purchasing locally produced coffee beans for a few years, and launched its first blend with beans from Yunnan in 2009.  Culver said the company’s purchasing volume from Yunnan has been growing, but did not elaborate.

The company brought four coffee varieties to Pu’er three years ago, and plans to expand from test planting to large-scale planting by 2014. Culver said he hoped to see these beans sell in China and globally with the “Yunnan Coffee” label. Several months ago, Starbucks set up a joint venture with Pu’er-based coffee company AiniCoffee. The joint venture has an annual processing capacity of 20,000 metric tons of green coffee beans.

Coffee planting in Yunnan dates back over a century, when French missionaries brought the first plants to this region.

Currently, the planting area of coffee in Pu’er is around 40,000 hectares, yielding 36,500 tons of beans annually, which accounts for half of China’s total growing area and output.

Qian Dewei, deputy Party chief of Pu’er, said the city plans to expand its planting area of coffee to more than 66,000 hectares by 2014, which would have an output of 100,000 tons, worth 10 billion yuan ($1.6 billion).

Lu Han, director of Pu’er Coffee Industry Federation, said the city’s exports of coffee beans in 2011 and 2012 totaled 24,700 tons, worth $100 million.

“As more people overseas begin to appreciate Yunnan coffee, we also want to promote it inside China. Cooperation with Starbucks would definitely help,” he said.

The Yunnan provincial government issued a plan last year to develop the coffee industry into a strategic sector. It set a target of expanding Yunnan’s coffee growing area to 607,000 hectares by 2020, realizing an annual output of 200,000 tons, with an estimated value of 34 billion yuan.

A total of 50,000 tons of Yunnan coffee beans were sold overseas in 2011. Although this only accounted for 0.6 to 0.7 percent of the global transaction volume, the figure is a record high in the history of the province’s coffee exports

Thought provoking Commentary response by @ChineseTeaLover, some editing and ommissions has been applied for relevance.

@EthiopianChineseTeaLover says :

Groete! I suggest that Pu’er region focus ENTIRELY on tea so as to preserve the Chineseness of the region. All sourcing activities for coffee (a foreign plant) or even coffee plantations MUST be placed away from the Tea Culture centres of China. Who knows that this is an intentional ‘watering down’ to dent the sense of focus on tea culture and hence projection of being a world centre of tea production in China. Can the French imagine the Bordeaux region taken over by orchard buyers to plant common fruits (on purpose!) grape orchards bought up specifically to harm and dilute the industry of the Wine producing region?

Possibly this ‘Coffee Incursion’ could be intentional to make Chinese Tea culture weaker and less distinct by spearing this Chinese TEA REGION with the drink of the Muslims, Coffee by one of the Muslims’ subvert organisations STARBUCKS. China should redirect these attempts and tell such companies to go to Muslim areas of China instead for ‘sourcing’. Grow Pu’er tea ONLY in Pu’er region, all coffee planting can be done in the Muslim dominant areas of China.

Coffeee being grown in China’s core tea region of Pu’er appears (to me at least) to be an attempt at deculturalisation of China. For the indignant and tea culture focused among Chinese tea growers or businessmen ready to commmit to Pu’er region’s tea only status, please take action by acquiring all coffee plantations in the Pu’er region, and replanting with fine teas instead. Coffee plantations should not even be allowed in a 1000 km radius of the Pu’er region, to retain a ‘heart of tea growing culture’ region stature.

As the true heart of coffee, I feel Ethiopia should begin a Starbucks and Coffeebean subsuming franchise based around the information on the below sites :

Ethiopia’bucks’ or ‘Ethiopia Bean’ should by historical accuracy and pedigree alone, be superior in branding to Coffeebean and Starbucks. Ethiopia, both Sudans, Eritrea, Djibouti, even Yemen and Southern Arabia (Queen of Sheba’s non-Islamist territory stretched all the way across the Red Sea Strait, also see : could well re-culturise around this new franchise as well as project their true Animist cultures via the Ethiopica Coffee Bean.

A warning for our Chinese friends. Note potential word associations which could harm the Chinese, . . . inscriptions have been found in southern Arabia celebrating victories over one GDRT, described as “nagashi of Habashat [i.e. Abyssinia] and of Axum . . . OK, Nagashi can mean ‘Dragon Knight’ and by this meaning, the Han Dynasty’s fall could have been based around Arabist conquest synchronicity when Ethiopia was Islamised, leaving the Chinese spiritually open to Islamists – so until the Han Dynasts are revived . . . the Chinese should get the picture from here.

Teff (Eragrostis tef) and Enset (Ensete edulis, Ensete ventricosum) Injera (Injera is a sort of African pancake), with AUTHENTIC Ethiopica Bean coffee could be the next big thing to overtake Starbucks and Coffeebean – from Ethopia where the Chinese have been kind enough to not colonise but actually BUILD the country! Finally for fellow true blood Ethiopians, learn Afrikans and stop speaking French you Ethiopians! French speaking Ethiopians are a relic of French colonialism! As for religion, I propose we begin worshipping Sekhmet. The Lion Goddess Of Ancient Ethiopia although derived from Egypt which is as orginal as Ethiopian religions can claim to be.

Vriende van Ethiopi, sien jy !

(Post by @EthiopianChineseTeaLover, some editing has been applied for relevance)

ICCR Notes :

While ICCR may not be in tandem with the generally less refined tone (still we credit the contribution) of the above poster or the post’s relevance or accuracy (Coffee originated in Ethiopia and isn’t the preserve of Islamists or Arabists), the issue bears note as cultural focus as much as Tea is Chinese as opposed to Coffee is Muslim (African actually) and the Malaysian team’s exposition of malaise of Muslims in certain ASEAN regions towards the Chinese, has caused ICCR’s concern and hence is being reposted here.

ICCR feels the perceived ‘Coffee Incursion’ should be addressed in an as appropriate and equitable manner as possible without raising unnecessary offence between interest between governmental interests (unlike the 2nd class citizenship issue as in Malaysian Social-Economic Apartheid investigate by ICCR Malaysia). We suggest to those among the patriotic in tghe Pu’er region who are ready to retaliate, to open Pu’er Tea House Franchises (backed and endorsed by the State Tea Administration) wherever Starbucks Coffee outlets appear anywhere in the world, until all land acquisitions in the Pu’er region for coffee growing are diverted to suitable regions of China (i.e. non-specialised plantation regions).

Proxy attempts, if as the post suggests, to impinge on China’s cultural intergity (Pu’er region’s Tea Culture in this case), should be dealt with as swiftly as possible via buy backs and boycotts of offending plantations. ICCR will do some research on the supposed incursions before endorsing the above post’s postulations. Even an Imperium in restoration can be subject to jealous attacks by those who tried to down China in the past via proxy franchises posing as innocent businesses or who knows even religious fundamentalists or narrowly communal ethnic groups that disrespect overseas Chinese by refusing the same equality as per the Human Rights Charter that the same groups take for granted in China.

May the overseas Chinese find their place as equals (if not the superiors of those who try to oppress them) with all races across the world starting with ASEAN. Long live the Imperium!

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